F49 Nutrition Nedir ?

F49 is a form of nutrition that combines fiber-rich carbohydrates and protein. Unlike restricted programs, F49 offers not less, on the contrary, a rich selection of fiber-rich carbohydrates that you can consume. In your F49 supplemented diet, you will increase your metabolism and strengthen your health. The important subject here is that you prepare your meals with protein and fiber-rich carbohydrates which have an optimal amount of oil. In contrast to restrictive diets, you reach your healthy weight easily by consuming more fiber. Moreover, this change occurs by consuming natural foods!

Why Is Fiber Important ?

Fiber is a type of carbohydrate found in vegetables and cannot be digested in the small intestine.
It is divided into as soluble and insoluble fibers. The amount of fiber needed to be consumed daily is between 25-35 gr. The maximum amount needed to be consumed is 49gr. Fiber consumption is very important in weight loss process. When fiber is consumed less, there is a feeling of hunger all day long and then too much food will be consumed. In this case, weight problems are encountered.

Both types of fibers have dozens of benefits for us. Insoluble fibers are the woody part of the plant.  It is also called pulp. They are difficult to digest, or none at all, as they cannot be broken down easily. So, they are not a source of calories. Vegetables such as seeds, whole grains, wheat bran, okra, peas, turnips; fruits such as raspberry, apple, fig, peach are rich in insoluble fiber. Soluble fibers dissolve in water, swells like sponges in the stomach and turn into a gel-like structure.  So they provide a sense of fullness. They are then broken down by some bacteria in the large intestine. In addition, they bind excess fat, providing it to be removed from the body without being digested. Soluble fibers are also found in high amounts in foods such as whole grains, seeds, avocado, lentils, beans, peaches, grapes, pineapples, brussels sprouts, spinach and zucchini.

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Which Foods Contain Fiber ?

I provide fiber list of food groups that I compiled from many foreign and domestic sources online on my site. Here you can calculate the amount of net carbohydrate (total carbohydrate – total fiber) taken per day and how much fiber you consumed within the amount of fiber that you need between 25-35 gr.

Fruit/1 Portion/Fiber amount

Vegetable/1 Portion/Fiber amount

Grain/1 Portion/Fiber amount

Legume/1 Portion/Fiber amount