
Bloating Complaint and Herbs

Bloating Complaint and Herbs

Gas-Bloating-Digestion Problem

The large muscular tube that forms the digestive system extends from the mouth to the anus, the digestion of nutrients is achieved by acting along with the release of hormones and enzymes. The air formed in the digestive system is called gas(in the stomach and intestines …). In some cases, some gases produced in the intestine enter the bloodstream and are transported to the lung and exhaled (bad breath).

What causes the gas?

Normal digestive system gas is between 100-200 ml. Burp causes some gas to escape into the stomach. The remaining gas moves to the small intestine. One part is absorbed, the other part moves to the large intestine to exit from anus. Gas is usually caused by swallow of air or it is a process in which the bacteria in the intestine emerge when digesting food.

When do we swallow air?

We swallow air with almost every food we eat. However, some situations and nutrients cause us to swallow more air. These are as follows:
– Eating and drinking fast – consuming carbonated drinks
– Smoking
– Chewing gum
– Frozen, iced or carbonated drinks
– Drinking with a straw
-Abundant denture use.

How does gas form when intestinal bacteria digest nutrients?

The stomach and small intestine cannot completely digest sugar, starch and fibers.
These indigestible foods move from the small intestine to the large intestine. First, the undigested carbohydrate is broken down by the bacteria in the large intestine and hydrogen and CO2 are released during this process. Other bacteria take hydrogen and convert it to methane gas or hydrogen sulphide (usually sulphide gas accumulates). The more sulfur that the gas contains, the more odor there will be.

Which foods cause gas?

A lot of food that contain carbohydrate causes gas. In contrast, fats and protein create less gas problems. A food that causes gas problems in one person may not create in another person. This depends on how much carbohydrate a person consumes or the type of bacteria in the gut


-Consumption of food with food sensitivity should be reduced.
-Yeasty foods may cause gas problem, attention should be paid to the consumption of them.
-Cereals that contain gluten cause gas problems, gluten-free cereals should be tried.
-Cheese types that contain more additives can cause gas problems, cheese consumption amount and type should be controlled.
-A person suffering from gas can note down what they eat and drink daily and can observe how often they produce gas or other symptoms occur. However, relaxation can be experienced by removing the food that is disturbing the person and causing gas problems for a while.
-In addition, they should take supplementary products containing beneficial intestinal bacteria that provide digestion, or make probiotic-containing foods as much as possible. (Kefir, yogurt, pickles, etc.)
-They should exercise regularly.

Herbal tea recipe I will give below is a tea that helps gas and digestion problem.

20 gr fennel 20 gr anise 20 gr caraway 10 gr cardamom

20 gr fennel 20 gr anise 20 gr caraway 10 gr cardamom
Infuse the 1 teaspoon of the mixture in boiled and chilled water for 10 minutes. You can consume it 3 times a day.

*The use of herbal teas varies from person to person.

*The person’s illness, allergic condition should be taken into account.

*It is just a sample mixture.

*Consult an expert.

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